


Relation shifting BookNine Spokes for a useful program wheel of self mastery to be used or added as a new cutting edge career with many bonuses.

Quantum life training and coaching is a new interactive practical program live and online sharing ways to apply the revelations that the quantum world imparts. The quantum world activities integrate into your life: relationships, business, wealth, fun and health universally. The quantum phenomena make up all matter and light accounting for the nature of even the dark “matter” in the universe.

These practical methods and tools Dr Angela Longo, PhD. Biochemist and Chinese Medical Doctor, leaned from the quantum world with the facilitation of many friends and 43 years of clinical practice.

You will learn some new words she originated to describe these processes. Summarized in her Haiku poetry:

Haiku for Hi Q (Heart Intelligence Quotient)
When I dare to bare my heart naked, I turn my scared into sacred.
Bonuses you will get with this program:

1) This program helps you do away with struggle, conflict and stress as they do not exist in the quantum world. The quantum world shows a way to live interactive radiance, which means accessing the universe and expanding manifestation. Sounds like a tall order yet it is very ordinary when you begin living it one moment at a time.
2) Authentic mirror-calls become your way replacing the old you.
3) A way to work with your relationships that are more pain free and does not require the other person’s involvement in expansive progress.
4) An open, honest, intimate life without judging.
5) A life of emergent mirror-calls that transform into your true desires. This new paradigm with nine spokes of a wheel’s hub opens up space as in a wheels hub that makes it useful in the motion of your living. Options of new windows are revealed as quantum shifts you may open into the quantum microscopic universe of emergent miracles with access to the cup of the universe.
6) Quantum mentoring one on one coachings are offered with Dr Angela Longo for a reduced student rate. Four to six hours are required for you to begin the program in the most effective way.
7) Quantum Relationshifting Buddy System is arranged for your benefit and training.
8) Taoist practices bonus as taught by Grand Master Mantak Chia in many spokes such as Six Healing Sounds for good sleep and relaxation, Spinal Breathing, Microcosmic orbit, chi kung and Cosmic water healing. There is a special training of how quantum is like Taoism, which can be offered for the asking.
There would be an extra charge for this course.
9) “The Perfume of Your Triunity” Module will apply essense aromas to the quantum life coaching wheel career. Part 1 is 18 hours and includes your personal 5 Element perfume for your Personal wholeness.
Part II is another 15 hours of training of your double trinity perfume. The pricing includes your own personal/eternal potion worth $125. Each part is $400. All the basic training is included.
10) Certificates for 50 Hour increments with each spoke of the wheel of training of the program. These will be added in the end to give the one certificate to hang on wall.
11) Live week long spokes with Dr Angela Longo are offered in Chiang Mai Thailand at Tao Garden health resort, in Hawaii and Europe/Asia TBA with separate pricing.

QUANTUM TOOLS 101: “You Are Your Own Fortune Cookie” and Quantum Living is EEEZY

Read Chapters 1-5 *
From Waitaha to Quantum World……………………………………. ……….1
Out of the jungle and into the light……………………………………………. 2
What is Relationshifting?…………………………………………………………. 5
An overview of Relationshifting techniques……………………………….. 6
Mirror-calls are miracles………………………………………………………….. 6
Heartwaving…………………………………………………………………………… 7
Love letters…………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Quantum Shift………………………………………………………………………… 8
Eight bottom lines……………………………………………………………………10
Muscle testing…………………………………………………………………………11
Understanding our twoness to triunity from it’s
quantum world equivalence……………………………………………………..12
Living our triunity…………………………………………………………………..12
Tongue maps………………………………………………………………………….14
A few aces for the game of living………………………………………………14
The proof is in the pudding………………………………………………………15

Chapter 2 “Stressed Spelled Backwards is Desserts”
Or Relationshifting Our Relationships:
And Everything IS Related!…………………………………………………….16
Living backwards…………………………………………………………………..16
Emergent from my two being existence is my triunity…………………17
Our Diamond Shining:……………………………………………………………19
Everything IS related!…………………………………………………………….19
A particle is a set of relatings………………………………………………….20
Relationshifting uses the pattern……………………………………………..21
Confused? Einstein was too……………………………………………………22
Shift a part, shift the whole……………………………………………………..23
Shifting a little impacts our whole life……………………………………….23
Patterns are ‘informotion’ becoming energetic…………………………..23
A wholographic film reality………………………………………………………24
My life is a dynamic pattern…………………………………………………….24
My pattern is unique and emergent………………………………………….25
My BATHWAVEs as patterns………………………………………………….26
Our Triunity…………………………………………………………………………..26
My Eternal Theme…………………………………………………………………28

Chapter 3 It’s All Love Letters To Relationshifting:
Preparing the Stage on Which to Heartwave
My Relationships’ Love Letters……………………………………………….31
Learning to understand ‘love letters’ as a
bridge to resplendency………………………………………………………….31
Five important ideas to know to begin
I Keep Filling My Cup Full of My True Desires………………………….34
Heartwaving: A Relationshifting tool……………………………………….36
Information as Movement in Relationshifting……………………………38
The nature of information pattern is motion……………………………..38
Living is movement………………………………………………………………39
Entangling my shifts with others…………………………………………….41
Reading my love letters………………………………………………………..42
The three bodies story………………………………………………………….43
We have four bodies to read love letters…………………………………45
The classic four ‘body’ system……………………………………………….45
Qualities of the ‘LL’ (love letter) ‘Field’ of the fourth body…………..47
Heart coherence: A third body phenomenon……………………………49
Kirlian photographs: A second body phenomenon……………………50
Back to the fourth level body…………………………………………………51

Chapter 4 Ace of Heartwaving the Eight Bottom Lines
Or Getting Our Ass-ets In Gear…………………………………………..55
Staying in the BATHWAVE…………………………………………………..56
Visualizing the material to be transformed………………………………59
More about the Heartwave technique…………………………………….60
The quantum shift……………………………………………………………….62
Quantum shift movement……………………………………………………..63
Reading my mirror-calls……………………………………………………….63
Eight awakening mirror-calls of my resplendency……………………65

Chapter 5 Basic Mirror-Calls (Miracles) of Relationships
for Relationshifting
Or A Translation List of Relationships………………………………73
The gift of irritation……………………………………………………………..73
Translating and shifting model illustrations:……………………………74
Mother relationship mirror……………………………………………………74
Father relationship mirror…………………………………………………….75
Partner or friend relationship mirror………………………………………75
Child relationship mirror………………………………………………………77
Two true stories…………………………………………………………………77
Relationshifting a husband’s mirror-call…………………………………77
Using the Work/Play Page for Relationship Love

QUANTUM RELATIONSHIPS 202; It takes Two to Entango
Read chapters 6-11

Chapter 6 Some En-chatted Evening
Or Relationshifting Went to Veterinary School with
Lisa, in a Chat……………………………………………………………………89
Relationshift anytime, anywhere…………………………………………..92

Chapter 7 En-Tango While We Are In Entanglement With
Relationshifting instantly……………………………………………………..95
When I change my BATHWAVEs, I change my living..98
A client example………………………………………………………………..99
Out of the Peter Into the Pan Or Maturing With the
Heartwaving Technique……………………………………………………..99
Leaving Never-Never-Land for Always-All-Ways-Land…
Another example of entangoing………………………………………… 101
Summary of Maturing Heartwaving……………………………………..103
A story from Sri Lanka of maturing without using

Chapter 8 It’s A Benevolent Universe and
You are the Shining Star
Rebirthing Anew in Radiance……………………………………………..111
A star is rebirthing resplendency…………………………………………111
The physical nature of resplendency……………………………………114
Understanding the physical: beginning with
personalself and personalbeing…………………………………………..115
Eternalself is emergent from personalself’s interactions
with environment……………………………………………………………….115
You can read your eternalbeing…………………………………………. 116
Reaching out as my physical radiance……………………………….. 120
Spooky theory is not spooky at all……………………………………… 121
Entangoing with awareness………………………………………………. 122
I recycle my BATHWAVES…………………………………………………123

Chapter 9 From Our Twoness,
Our Triunity is Emergent……………………………………….127
The twoness of particle and wave……………………………… ……….127
The resplendent world is EEEZY……………………………………….. 128
Self as a house……………………………………………………………….. 130
Heaven on Earth: conditions of expansion………………………….. 131
Imaginative minding…………………………………………………………. 132
The Qualities of Twoness, from which Triunity is Emergent:……134
How I missed knowing about our two natures……………………… 135
A quantum explanation…………………………………………………….. 136
Resplendency: Riding the wave………………………………………… 137
Another thought about beyond ‘cause and effect’………………… 139
A personal story of entanglement………………………………………. 139

Chapter 10 Add Your Eternalbeing to Personalbeing
for Emergent You
Or It’s as Easy as Water…………………………………………………..143
Quantum World Particles Popping in and Out of
Existence……………………………………………………………………….. 145

Chapter 11 Eternalbeing Reading and Naming
The Ace of Diamond Radiance…………………………………………151
Finding the diamonds in my living chain gang……………………… 151
The story of the diamond chain…………………………………………. 151
I happen to life as my virtual ‘wave’ self, so it is worth
understanding…………………………………………………………… …….152
Finding my eight shining diamond links………………………………. 154
Guidelines for reading the eternalbeing………………………………..156
An example…………………………………………………………………….. 157
Seeing my eternal theme………………………………………………….. 160
Knowing and experiencing my eternalbeing………………………… 160
Suggestions for living my eternalbeing……………………………….. 161
Personal rituals used to activate my eternalbeing
theme…………………………………………………………………………….. 163
How to know myself…………………………………………………………. 166

Triunity Expands the Universe

Chapter 12 My Triunity is the Source of USA: United States of Awareness
Or My Resplendence Expresses Itself In Revealing to Others the
Resplendence They Are Showing Me……………………………….173
Lovely entanglement………………………………………………………… 174
Mirror-calls of resplendency………………………………………………. 174
How does this relate to Nessun Dorma from Turandot………….. 176
In resplendence I am a triunity which is my
United States of Awareness (USA)…………………………………….. 178
Committed long term resplendent relationships.
are the next frontier………………………………………………………….. 179
Showing others to their resplendency reveals the
emergent mirror-call (miracle)…………………………………………….. 180
Cause and effect and quantum emergent
entanglement coexisting in resplendence…………………………….. 182

Chapter 13 Quantum Communication
Resplendent Conversation in an Emergent
Entanglement Way……………………………………………………………185
Understanding waves………………………………………………………… 185
Quantum questioning…………………………………………………………. 185
Quantum reversal……………………………………………………………… 188
Does life want to be happy in me?……………………………………….. 188

Chapter 14 A Bird Doesn’t Sing Because It Has An Answer
Partnering with my life……………………………………………………….. 193
When life is not about answers, might it be about
questions? ……………………………………………………………………….. 194
‘Why not?’ is perhaps our best question to ask life…………………. 195

Chapter 15 Understanding the Resplendent Way
Through Arithmetic……………………………………………………………199
Physical embodiment of particle-nature and wave-like
expression………………………………………………………………………… 200

Chapter 16 Resplendent Communioning
Choosing to not discontent myself……………………………………….. 206
Quantum shift……………………………………………………………………. 206
A new word: terra-memory………………………………………………….. 207
Emergent is the third word of the quantum way……………………… 208
From denial to authenticity………………………………………………….. 211
The power of self-guidance…………………………………………………. 212
The relating of personalbeing and eternalbeing……………………… 212
The challenge is to stop discontenting myself………………………… 213
I choose and create my pattern and
my constituents…………………………………………………………………. 213
React or act?………………………………………………………………………214
BATHWAVEs: Eight activities of the five elements
support resplendency…………………………………………………………. 215

Chapter 17 The Universe is Always Beginning Anew,
Choose any beginning, every moment………………………………….. 219
The past is replaced…………………………………………………………… 219
Personalbeing expresses and embodies my
eternalbeing as my BATHWAVEs………………………………………… 220
I create my own rules, laws and truths with my BATHWAVEs….. 220
Throw out the “IF” to be resplendent…………………………………….. 221
Meditation as rerebirthing……………………………………………………. 223
Meditation in my new triunity……………………………………………….. 224
Everything is my way of beginning……………………………………….. 226
Imaginative minding expands you………………………………………… 226
Every moment is a quanta, complete within itself……………………. 227
Religion and science can create opposition and discontent……… 227
The universe has no intentions of its own………………………………. 228
Transforming my cup of all my discontenting using Heartwaving..228
Tying myself up in ‘Nots’ or beginning again………………………….. 228

Chapter 18 A Resplendent Way of Entanglement with
Others as Emergent……………………………………………………………231
The manual for one way of applying quantum
entanglement to living with others…………………………………………. 231
Examples of hyper-communication……………………………………….. 233
Phantom DNA……………………………………………………………………. 234
Hyper-communication disrupts EMFs……………………………………. 234
My beginning story……………………………………………………………… 234

Chapter 19 My Incipit Is What I Am!
Or My Incipit Inspires Me………………………………………………………237
An example of a life’s incipit from a dream…………………………….. 239
Understanding my incipit like a wholographic process
of me………………………………………………………………………………… 240
Memory and Minding and Love…………………………………………….. 241

Chapter 20 My Quantum Snapshot Dream
The Dreamwaving Method…………………………………………………….245
Dreams are a love letter………………………………………………………. 245
Dreamwaving exercise………………………………………………………… 247
Summary…………………………………………………………………………… 249

Chapter 21 Living My Dreams the Quantum Resplendent Way
Creating my dreams and desires…………………………………………… 253
Triunity of Self…………………………………………………………………….. 256
Triunity of Being………………………………………………………………….. 256
Emergent manifests my dreams……………………………………………. 257
The work of entanglement……………………………………………………. 258
Shifting chronic fatigue syndrome…………………………………………. 259
Memories can block my quantum way of living……………………….. 259
The cycle of manifestation……………………………………………………. 261
Time and space………………………………………………………………….. 262

Chapter 22 Entanglement and My DNA
Or The I Ching and My DNA………………………………………………….265
DNA, a vehicle of a universal system of communication………….. 265
From the frying pan into the test tube……………………………………. 266
Today’s DNA Findings………………………………………………………… 268

Chapter 23 How Low Can You Limbic
Or A Yoyo as a Multiple Orgasm…………………………………………274
The Limbic System…………………………………………………………….. 274
My limbic system responds to mirror-calls……………………………… 276
Shifting in the moment………………………………………………………… 276
A strong limbic system helps me clear our jungle……………………. 278
Books to help build the limbic system……………………………………. 278
Therapies to support the limbic system…………………………………. 279
Mirror-neurons do the unexpected………………………………………… 280
Heartwaving in the moment…………………………………………………. 280
Breathing calms the limbic system……………………………………….. 281

Chapter 24 Descriptionary of Mirror-calls of the “Wisdom of the Body”
Or Outpicturing is Inpicturing is Outpicturing
is Inpicturing……………………………………………………………………..283
How you perceive and feel about everything
is what your body reveals:…………………………………………………… 283
This is love: the open space that receives . . . ……………………….. 284
Do the eternalbeing dance………………………………………………….. 284
Prior to intention………………………………………………………………… 285
What if . . …………………………………………………………………………. 286
A client story……………………………………………………………………… 287
Descriptionary of the body wisdom………………………………………. 288
Mirror-calls offer the keys to prevention………………………………… 289
Translating the Wisdom of the Energy Patterns……………………… 293

Chapter 25 Relationships are Elemental,
My Dear Watson And Understanding the Five Elemental Relationships……………….299
Getting into the Glow of Relationships…………………………………. 299
The Mother/Child Relationships………………………………………….. 300
The Father/Child Relationships…………………………………………… 300
The Beloved Cycle within the Elemental Organs…………………… 302
Yin and Yang: back to the five elements………………………………. 303

Chapter 26 Grounding my Earthen Element of Wholeness
Or Speaking in Magical Tongues:………………………………………306

Chapter 27 Pedal to the Metal Element and Energy
Or Shifting My Airy Fairy to Being Worth It…………………………311
The essence of the metal/air element…………………………………… 311
Seeing the cycle………………………………………………………………… 312
Letting go of what doesn’t serve me……………………………………… 313
Personalbeing, eternalbeing and metal…………………………………. 314

Chapter 28 Water Under the Bridge Element
Or Cultivating My Gentle Power of Self Guiding………………….320

Chapter 29 Wood I Or Woodn’t I Element
Or Trance Forming Anger to Under Standing……………………..326

Chapter 30 Fired Up Resplendent Element
Or Radiantly Reaching Out In
Conditions of Expansion…………………………………………………..330

Chapter 31 The Intimate Love Affair of Resplendency
Or Resplendency is EEEZY or Simply Because
It Is Who You Already Are…………………………………………………..340
You are already resplendent………………………………………………… 340
A list of the EEEZY tools……………………………………………………… 341
Relationshifting is a form of practicing ‘minding’
to emergent……………………………………………………………………….. 342
The ‘whole lot more’ is the emergent nature…………………………… 342
To memory is the verb of entanglement…………………………………. 343
‘To memory’ or ‘to memories’, that is the question…………………… 343
The hazards of languaging or ‘emergent’ is
nature’s way of overcoming languaging…………………………………. 344
The intimate relationship of self…………………………………………….. 345
Want to live linear evolution or quantum expansion?……………….. 345

Chapter 32 Entanglement Talisman (ET)
My Wholographic Self & Quantum Coaching………………………..346
Objects as information………………………………………………………….. 346
Quantum coaching……………………………………………………………….. 347
Teleseminars………………………………………………………………………. 347
Epigenetic Medical Academy…………………………………………………. 347
Awareness of resplendency is free of discontenting….. ………………347
Our eternal theme sings us home…………………………………………… 349
Polishing the ‘halo’ or disentanglement and
rebirthing of resplendence…………………………………………………….. 350
The halo polishing exercise…………………………………………………… 351
Bibliography and Reading List………………………………………………….377
About the Author………………………………………………….389



Call 808 987 5404 to sign up for each spoke in USA March-June.
Call 66 093 249 4811 in Thailand the rest of the year.
